New Commodity Package of Survey of Wholesale Trade Prices (SHPB) 2023=100 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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New Commodity Package of Survey of Wholesale Trade Prices (SHPB) 2023=100

New Commodity Package of Survey of Wholesale Trade Prices (SHPB) 2023=100

December 3, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics will use the new base year SHPB 2023=100 starting in 2025. There are several new commodity packages that will be recorded in the wholesale price survey (SHPB) in 2025. Starting in November 2024, price monitoring trials and SHPB (2023=100) 2025 webentry trials will be conducted on the new commodity packages.

Metro City is one of the cities selected to carry out the Weighing Diagram Refinement Survey (SPDT) in Lampung province, in addition to the districts of West Coast, South Lampung, Tulang Bawang, Central Lampung, and Bandar Lampung City. The 2023 SPDT was conducted to determine commodity packages in the base year 2023=100.

Respondents for the 2023=100 SPHB were selected purposively. Respondents were first large traders, second large traders, and mixed traders who sell to other traders.  Respondents were selected based on the following conditions: pure big traders were prioritized, mixed traders were allowed, traders with a large scale of business/large turnover/most busy buyers.

Starting in 2025, two types of SHPB enumeration will be conducted, namely weekly SHPB and monthly SHPB. Weekly SHPB enumeration is conducted twice a month, on the 1st-10th and 11th-20th of each month with commodities of basic needs and essential goods (bapokting) in the form of: rice, wheat flour, purebred chicken meat, beef, eggs, cooking oil, red chili, cayenne pepper, shallots, garlic, sugar, gold jewelry, gold bars, LPG, gasoline, and diesel. Meanwhile, the monthly SHPB enumeration will be carried out once a month, namely on the 1-20th of each month. Monthly SHPB commodities are commodities other than basic needs and essential goods (Bapokting).

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